Mysterious Square Discovered On Dwarf Planet Ceres – Signs Of Extraterrestrials Or Natural Formation?

Cynthia McKanzie – – A mysterious square-shaped formation has been discovered inside a crater on dwarf planet Ceres. Have we finally discovered signs of advanced extraterrestrial life or is it only a natural formation?

Discovered on January 1, 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi (1746-1846), a Catholic priest at the Academy of Palermo, Sicily, Ceres is the largest object in the main asteroid belt, but nevertheless as a dwarf planet. Some years ago, Ceres became famous for one of its craters: Occator that contains “Spot 5”, the brightest of the bright spots observed by the Dawn spacecraft.

Giuseppe Piazzi (1746-1846)

Giuseppe Piazzi (1746-1846) discovered Ceres. Credit:

The discovery of these bright spots led to all manner of speculations.

The mystery was solved when NASA’s Dawn probe came close enough to discover that these bright spots originated from volcanic ice and salt emissions.

Now, scientists from the University of Cadiz (Spain) have looked at one of these spots, called Vinalia Faculae, and they have been struck by an area where geometric shapes are ostensibly observable

Can Artificial Intelligence Recognize Signs Of Extraterrestrial Life?

This strange formation has served them to propose a curious experiment: to compare how human beings and machines recognize planetary images. The ultimate goal was to analyze whether artificial intelligence (AI) can help discover ‘technosignatures’ of possible extraterrestrial civilizations.

Mysterious Square Discovered On Dwarf Planet Ceres – Signs Of Extraterrestrials Or Natural Formation?

Picture of the Vinalia Faculae region of Ceres obtained by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft on July 6, 2018 at an altitude of about 58 kilometers. Can a square and/or a triangle be seen? Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

“Both people and artificial intelligence detected a square structure in the images, but the AI also identified a triangle,” notes De la Torre, “and when the triangular option was shown to humans, the percentage of persons claiming to see it also increased significantly.”

The Square On Ceres Seems To Be Inscribed In The Triangle

These results, published in the Acta Astronautica journal, have allowed researchers to draw several conclusions: “On the one hand, despite being fashionable and having a multitude of applications, artificial intelligence could confuse us and tell us that it has detected impossible or false things,” says De la Torre, “and this, therefore, compromises its usefulness in tasks such as the search for extra-terrestrial technosignatures in some cases. We must be careful with its implementation and use in SETI.”

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“On the other hand,” he adds, “if AI identifies something our mind cannot understand or accept, could it in the future go beyond our level of consciousness and open doors to reality for which we are not prepared? What if the square and triangle of Vinalia Faculae in Ceres were artificial structures?”

Finally, the neuropsychologist points out that AI systems suffer from the same problems as their creators: “The implications of biases in their development should be further studied while they are being supervised by humans.”

Mysterious Square Discovered On Dwarf Planet Ceres – Signs Of Extraterrestrials Or Natural Formation?

Another perspective of the Vinalia Faculae region (rotated 180º from that above), taken by the Dawn probe. The researchers have observed the structure that appears in the central part, enlarged on the right, where the geometries that were most frequently detected by people are also indicated (below, indicated with numbers). Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA/PSI

De la Torre concludes by acknowledging that, in reality, “we don’t know what it is, but what artificial intelligence has detected in Vinalia Faculae is most probably just a play of light and shadow.”

For now, we can simply say the discovered square-shaped object discovered on dwarf planet Ceres remains of unknown origin.

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – Staff Writer