Mysterious Tiny Pre-Viking Gold Foil Figures Baffle Scientists

Conny Waters – – These tiny gold foil figures are mainly associated with the Pre-Viking Age, but what were they used for?

A metal detector discovered an ancient gold piece of gold depicting a man and woman at Hovland farm in Tjølling, Larvik, Norway. It’s a sensational find that baffles archaeologists. The gold piece is roughly the size of a fingernail.

There is no doubt this ancient artifact was of special importance but scientists cannot figure out whether the objects’ clear practical function.

Were they used as messages of courtship, identity belongings or ceremonial objects?

Mysterious Tiny Pre-Viking Gold Foil Figures Baffle Scientists

The gold foil figure found in Larvik in Vestfold recently. (Photo: Vestfold fylkeskommune)

In 2016 two gold foil figures found in Åker in Hamar. About 1500 years ago it was an important place for chiefs and powerful people met there. Researchers wonder whether the small gold foil figures were somehow used at such meetings.

Many wrongly assume these tiny figures were used by the Vikings, but this is not the case.

Gold foil figures were mostly in use before the Vikings, during the Merovingian age, or “the age of petty kingdoms” as it is sometimes called.

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