Stunning Swiss Stonehenge Discovered Underwater

Conny Waters – – What is hidden beneath the waters has been revealed once again.

This time archaeologists report they have found a stunning underwater Stonehenge that was built 5,500 years ago in the Neolithic period.

Stunning Swiss Stonehenge Discovered Underwater

Archaeologists say the underwater site is man-made. Credit: CEN /TU Darmstadt

The ancient monument referred to as the Swiss Stonehenge consists of several mysterious rocks resting 5 feet down at the bottom of Lake Constance,  a 207-square-mile lake on the borders of Switzerland, Germany, and Austria.

Each stone has a diameter of 49 to 98 feet and the builders of this ancient monument placed the rocks at regular intervals in a row.

At first, it was unclear whether the stones were natural formations from the remnants of a glacier that was located in the area 18,000 years ago.

However, archaeologists now say analysis of the construction of the site is man-made and not the work of Mother Nature. The purpose of Swiss Stonehenge remains unknown.

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