Supay: God Of Death And Underworld And Ruler Over Race Of Demons According to Inca Mythology

A. Sutherland – – In the Inca and Aymara mythologies, Supay (‘Andean Devil’) was both the god of death and powerful ruler of the Incan underworld Ukhu Pacha (Uku Pacha), as well as a race of demons.

Supay: God Of Death And Underworld And Ruler Over Race Of Demons According To Inca Beliefs

Unlike Europeans, the indigenous people did not reject Supay. They were so afraid of him that they invoked him and begged him not to harm them. Credit: Adobe Stock – JIT

Supay was responsible for balancing good and evil. Supay is listed as one of the most wicked gods. He was the one who protected the path of the dead. The Incas believed that death was a new beginning with the Inca gods. Despite this pessimistic view, many Inca people worshiped him because they believed in his power to grant them favors through offerings and rituals.

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