Unexplained Mystery Of The Highway That Affected People’s Free Will

Ellen Lloyd – MessageToEagle.com – Is it possible that there are mysterious places on planet Earth where an unknown force is taking control of our thoughts forcing us to do things we could never imagine?

Our knowledge of the world progresses thanks to a number of scientific achievements, but experts are not always able to explain all mysteries that surround us.

Sometimes strange and unexplained things happen and maybe it will take a long time before we will learn the truth about the true world around us.

Something very strange took place over 80 years ago.

highway and people's will

In 1929, a new highway was built in Germany between Bremen and Bremerhaven. The highway was much wider than the previous road and was considered much safer and comfortable for traffic. Everything seemed to work fine for a while, but soon something odd started to happen.

On September 7, 1930, when the highway was just one year old, there was a nine-car pileup.
“Since its opening, over one hundred vehicles had crashed at the same location, the site of the stone marker for kilometer 239.

The marker was located along a straight stretch.

Some of the survivors told police that just before their accidents they were overwhelmed by a tremendous thrill.

Other people had experienced a gripping power catch hold of their vehicle and send it off the road.

Perplexed police and investigators were at loss to explain the abundant amount of accidents,” Juanita Rose Violini writes in the book Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored.

Several of the drivers explained that when they were in the vicinity of the 239 marker, they felt as if an invisible force was taking control over their car.

Even more strange was that drivers told how they lost their free will. It was as if something forced them to deliberately drive on to the approaching car.

One driver who died said shortly before his death that when he was driving on the highway, visibility was perfect, but he began to come across some strange white spots and he felt an overwhelming desire to turn the car straight on to the approaching truck.

Scientists have tried to explain the cause of the tragedies. It was speculated that the electromagnetic effect of underground roads was responsible for the accidents, but despite a number of investigations experts have not been able to provide any evidence supporting their theories.

What happened on the German highway back in 1930 remains a mystery.

Written by – Ellen Lloyd – MessageToEagle.com

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