Ancient Mystery Of Egypt’s Black Pyramid – Did It Really Exist?

Ellen Lloyd – – Was there once a black pyramid in Egypt that has been erased from the pages of history? Could the pyramid be buried beneath the sand or was the ancient structure misidentified? It has been suggested there is a fourth pyramid somewhere at the Giza plateau, but if this is true, then why can’t we see it? Also, why was the pyramid black?

Ancient Mystery Of Egypt's Black Pyramid - Did It Really Exist?

Was there once a black pyramid in Egypt? Credit: Mia Stendal – Adobe Stock

The Giza Plateau on the outskirts of Cairo is a famous, must-see Egyptian landmark visited by tourists from over the world. At this magnificent ancient site, we find the enigmatic Sphinx, three famous pyramids, a number of ancient cemeteries, a workers’ village, and an industrial complex. Archaeologists excavating at Giza keep discovering new tombs and stunning ancient Egyptian artifacts. This historical site has not yet given up all its ancient secrets and has much more to offer.

We know there are three famous pyramids at the Giza and they were Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure, but there are no obvious signs of a fourth pyramid. Yet, there are those who say the fourth pyramid did exist.

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