Arkaim: A Scientific Enigma And Anomalous Zone – This place is unique and surrounded by mystery.

Arkaim is one of twenty prehistoric sites covering an area that expands over 400 by 200 km on the Eurasian steppes east of the southern part of Ural Mountains.

It’s commonly agreed that Arkaim, a circular fortified settlement, roughly 150 metres in diameter, and related artefacts was built somewhere between 4000-5000 years ago.

Other sites in the vicinity of Arkaim, dated to 2300-1600 BC were discovered by aerial survey that definitely confirmed a great importance of this region of Ural.

Arkaim, a circular fortified settlement, roughly 150 metres in diameter  was built somewhere between 4000-5000 years ago.

Thousands of years old legends and myths from the region of Ural Mountains and ancient Siberia say that Arkaim is not any ordinary place where people live. On the contrary, four thousand years ago, the local inhabitants suddenly abandoned Arkaim and the empty settlement burnt.

It was once located in the southern part of what today is the Chelyabinsk Region.

Arkaim’s circular fortification aligned with stars has even more complex structure than the famous Stonehenge but Arkaim is, in fact, located in a remote place of Russia and is not so well-known as the British stone rings.

Astronomers who carefully investigated the location of the Arkaim's remains, found no traces of any earlier constructions in that area. The accuracy and complexity of Arkaim structure is a scientific enigma.
The accuracy and complexity of Arkaim structure is a scientific enigma.

It’s long been known that Stonehenge has and was built with astronomical observation in mind and possibly may still allow for observations of 10 astronomical phenomena using 22 elements, whereas some archaeoastronomers claim that Arkaim allows for observations of 18 phenomena using 30 elements.

This essentially means that certain events in the sky could be observed and tracked by using the site in particular ways and from different positions, and that Arkaim offered more observable events than Stonehenge.

According to Russian archaeologist K.K. Bystrushkin, Stonehenge offers an observational accuracy of 10-arc minutes to a degree, whereas Arkaim offers accuracy of 1-arc minute.

Original structure at Arkaim - according to an artist's impression
Original structure at Arkaim – according to an artist’s impression

This precision was only recorded in the Almagest of ancient Greece.

Astronomers who carefully investigated the location of the Arkaim’s remains, found no traces of any earlier constructions in that area. The accuracy and complexity of Arkaim structure is a scientific enigma.

However, the strangeness of this anomalous zone does not end here.

One of the greatest puzzles regarding Arkaim is the fire which destroyed the prehistoric settlement. This prehistoric incident is very difficult to explain.

No reliable explanation was proposed regarding the absence of any human remains in the burnt place. The only possible suggestion could be that the residents already left the settlement before the fire broke out.

One of the greatest puzzles regarding Arkaim is the fire which destroyed the prehistoric settlement
One of the greatest puzzles regarding Arkaim is the fire which destroyed the prehistoric settlement

A number of professionals such as historians, archaeologists and ethnographers demonstrated their true interest in the anomalous area of Arkaim. The place has been visisted by thousands of astrologists, prophets, contactees, psychics and members of religious cults.

These people did not contribute much to the understanding of the Arkaim’s phenomena, but they did witness strange lights (not that of satellites) moving in the sky, mysterious light flashes, appearance of fog clusters and unexplained abrupt changes in atmospheric temperature.

People often start to feel not well in the area, reporting unexplainable psychic tension and disturbances in blood pressure, body temperature and changes in heart beating rhythm.

The fact is that Arkaim’s distant past is an unknown page of history and apparently, there are many secrets hidden in the prehistoric remains of Arkaim considered by many as “holy Arkaim”.

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