Is The Puzzling Miami Circle Much Older Than Previously Thought?

Ellen Lloyd – – The ancient Miami Circle is a fascinating archaeological site in Florida that offers important knowledge about American history. While investigating the site scientists came across certain anomalous artifacts that shouldn’t be there. Who were the true creators of the Miami Circle? Why have some researchers questioned the site’s age and authenticity?

Is The Puzzling Miami Circle Much Older Than Previously Thought?

The Miami Circle as seen from above. Credit: Culture Trip

The Miami Circle was accidentally discovered in 1998 when property developer Michael Baumann who owned the land tore down an apartment complex. Before he could proceed with the building of his luxury apartments, he was obliged to conduct a routine archaeological field survey of the site.

To his surprise, he found a circular pattern of holes in the limestone bedrock. Archaeologists examined the site, and radio-carbon testing revealed the site was much older than scholars expected.

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