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Mystery Of The Vanishing Hitchhiker And Blue Bell Hill

Cynthia McKanzie – – Strange sightings in the vicinity of Blue Bell Hill has been reported for decades. Terrified witnesses say they have seen people vanishing into thin air. According to other accounts, drivers and motorists were stunned to see a young woman suddenly materialize in front of their vehicles.

There are currently more than 50 reported supernatural sightings in the area, and they seem to be connected to a tragic real story.

Blue Bell Hill in Kent looks just like an ordinary road, but witnesses say they have sighted strange people there. Image credit: Kent Live

Blue Bell Hill in Kent, United Kingdom has a reputation of being one of the most haunted places in the country.

If you are interested in the unexplained and the paranormal, Blue Bell Hill is a great place to investigate.

Mysterious Sightings Around Blue Bell Hill

Due to a series of inexplicable supernatural events, the road through Blue Bell Hill has been classified as a fascinating, but also a scary place that in recent years attracted national publicity.

Locals tell the road is haunted and the many motorists claim they have seen a young bride waiting by the roadside, but no-one knows where she came from or who she is. This has led to speculations the young woman is the ghost of 22-year-old bride Suzanne Browne.

Suzanne died, together with two other women in a tragic car accident while being on her way to her wedding on November 19, 1965. Suzanne who had a bright and happy future ahead of her was going to be married to RAF technician Brian Wetton. Sadly, she lost control of her car and ended her life.

Shortly after the accident people started reporting sightings of a pale, ghostly-looking woman standing next to the road.

About four years after the tragedy, a man reported witnessing two pedestrians walking towards him. He was stunned when they suddenly disappeared into thin air. Even more peculiar was that he claimed he witnessed the pedestrians again, walking across the road, however this time a car drove straight through them.

Kent Live reports, “in 1971 James Skene was driving home from work when a girl in her early 20s suddenly appeared in front of his car.

He gave her a lift to Chatham, but when she got out he said she disappeared into thin air.

Some years later, in 1992, three drivers reported hitting someone who ran into the road at night, but there was no evidence or a body to be found.”

See also:

Mysterious Orbs – Are They Energy Beings From Outside Of Our Reality?

Unexplained Disappearance Of A Professor Who Perhaps Entered A Parallel World

Strange Case Of A Woman Who Slipped Into A Parallel Universe That Is Slightly Different From Her ‘Home Universe’

More Strange And Unexplained Mysteries

Yet, one of the most perplexing stories is the one about the vanishing hitchhiker. According to this account, Coach driver Ian Sharpe, 56 observed a ghostly figure along the road. It was just one week before the anniversary of Suzanne Browne’s car crash.

The young woman ran straight in front of his car and car Ian was afraid he had killed her. Terrified he got out of the car and rushed to help. He knelt and looked beneath the car, but there was nobody there.

Ian is not the only one who reported this incident. As Kent Live explains, “over the years, huge numbers of unsuspecting motorists have witnessed a woman running out in front of their cars late at night, often locking eyes with them before being hit and vanishing. No evidence of a collision has ever been found, nor has there ever been a victim found either.”

Blue Bell Hill And The Invisible Worlds’ Theory

There is definitely something odd about the Blue Ball Hill, and all stories are not related to the young woman witnessed in its vicinity.

A curious incident was reported as far back as 1934, long before Suzanne Browne died in the car crash.

One Autumn evening, a young woman named Renee was riding home on her bicycle. Suddenly she was enveloped by a dark mist and something hard hit her. She fell to the ground and looked, but there were no visible objects anywhere on the road. Why she fell and what hit her remains unexplained.

Still, peculiar sightings of unusual objects and people go even further back in time, and they are connected to an old hag with grotesque features. Locals tell there was once an old woman who lived alone in the woods near Blue Bell Hill. Her ghost is sometimes reported by terrified people and she is known for cursing anyone who invades her realm.

Sometimes people say they witness an old woman standing along the road. She appears to be angry and frightened drivers witness how cars fill with an evil black fog.

Whether one believes in ghosts or not, such stories make you think deeper about the nature of space and time.

Can the parallel universe theory shed some light on these peculiar sightings? 

Many time slips have been reported in the United Kingdom. People say they have witnessed scenes and persons from other time epochs, both the past and the future. A RAF pitot once reported his curious time slip and journey into the future, and he is not the only one who experienced how one can suddenly be in a completely different place without knowing what has transpired.

This raises once again the question if there could be so-called inter-dimensional time portals on Earth. These inter-dimensional doorways would be invisible to the naked eye, but stumbling upon one of them could transport a person to a different time and unknown world.

Those who believe in ghosts think Albert Einstein’s laws of physics, and particularly those on conservation of energy, offer proof that ghosts are real. There is no solid evidence of ghosts, at least not according to most scientists, but as we always say; we still do know very little about the world we live in.

Now suppose parallel worlds do exist. A while back, scientists reported they had discovered the first evidence of parallel universes.

If our reality is surrounded by a number of invisible parallel worlds, isn’t it possible for a person to enter one of those unknown realms simply by mistake? It certainly is, but this doesn’t offer evidence of ghosts, and yet, so many ancient cultures and modern people are convinced ghosts are real. Perhaps death is just an illusion and we continue to live in a parallel world.

Could this explain ghost sightings?

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – Staff Writer

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