Puzzling Unexplained Disappearances In Our National Parks Can Missing 411 Shed More Light On The Story?

MessageToEagle.com – Something evil and unknown is lurking in the woods of our national parks.

What or who is behind the mysterious disappearances of thousands of people? One person might have an answer what have caused people to vanish without a trace while visiting the wilds in United States and Canada. The answer he provides us with is very unsettling and shocking.

Yosemite National Park
Yosemite National Park

David Paulides is a retired police officer who has written a book called Missing 411. In his book he gives a comprehensive picture of a number of unusual cases of missing persons which baffle relatives and authorities.

Many people who read it call it the most disturbing book they have ever read. It is impossible to put down or forget.

One person writes, “What was creepy about the book was not so much the stories about people who disappeared forever – after all, I read and write about missing people every day – but about people, mostly children, who disappeared and then were found in places where they should not, could not, be.”

Pauides has been investigating the mystery of people who vanished for many years and created a huge database on the subject. The results of his research are frightening.

“Four years ago I was in a national park conducting other research and was staying at a room off the park.

Missing 411-Western United States & Canada: Unexplained Disappearances of North Americans that have never been solved

On one of those nights I had a knock at the door and two off duty national park rangers stated they had information that they wanted me to hear.

They explained that they had worked at several parks during their career and had participated in many search and rescues of lost visitors.

They explained that they believed there was an inordinate amount of missing people and the park service was not conducting follow-up investigations, wasn’t tracking missing people and didn’t appear to understand the issues behind the disappearances. This event started the project I am working on today, www.canammissing.com.

I have written three books (Missing 411) about the research our group has conducted and have filed dozens of freedom of information act (FOIA) requests against the National park Service and other institutions. The most famous FOIA we filed, asking the NPS for statistics and documentation of missing people inside their system.

Yosemite NPark

We first asked for data on Yosemite National Park. We were told that they didn’t keep track of missing people, didn’t have a list of names, dates or any numbers regarding how many are still missing. We read this statement in stunned silence.

The NPS followed that with essentially the same statement about their entire system, 183 locations,” David Paulides explains.

Paulides does not present his theory on what is behind the sinister vanishings, but there has been no lack of speculations that involve everything from Bigfoot, aliens and supernatural forces responsible for the disappearances.
Among the Native American tribes there are many stories of a huge giant beasts hiding in the woods.

It is said that the creature is responsible for abducting women and children.

The legend of the Bigfoot is widespread among the Indians.

In some Native stories, Bigfoot may have minor supernatural powers, the ability to turn invisible, for example, but they are always considered physical creatures of the forest, not spirits or ghosts. But should we put the blame on Bigfoot or is perhaps someone else responsible?

The truth is that we don’t know what is behind the vanishings, but the Paulides presents his arguments in a very convincing way and after reading this frightening book, we can easily understand that something elusive and predatory lurking in our forests and National Parks.

This chilling book should not be taken lightly. The subject is of vital importance and people do vanish without a trace and something or someone is responsible for their disappearances.

Read the book – if you dare…
