Scylla And Charybdis – Legendary Greek Sea Monsters – Choosing The Lesser Of Two Evils

A. Sutherland  – – The ancient Greeks’ mythical world included gods, beautiful goddesses, gorgeous nymphs, and various monsters. Legends and myths about these monsters accompanied seamen and other travelers, making their journeys even more hazardous.

Scylla And Charybdis - Legendary Greek Sea Monsters - Choosing The Lesser Of Two Evils

At the shores of the lake of Lerna in the Argolid sowed the fear of Hydra, a sea serpent monster, which in place of each severed head grew two new ones-only Hercules managed to exterminate it. Among other terrible creatures were stymphalian birds,’ terrible maidens with birds’ feet and beaks and wings of iron. While shape-shifting into sirens, they lured people into the swamps. Their droppings were poisonous, and sharp iron feathers could quickly kill and wound people and herds whenever they wished.

Natural phenomena were not understood by ancient people, who often interpreted events as the work of supernatural forces.

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