Secrets Of The Sanskrit Effect Revealed – Memorizing And Reciting Mantras Enhances Memory And Thinking

Cynthia McKanzie – – There are many ways to improve memory and thinking capabilities. Sometimes it’s wise to examine little known yet effective means that can do wonders for your brain, like the Sanskrit Effect for example.

Secrets Of The Sanskrit Effect Revealed - Memorizing And Reciting Mantras Enhances Memory And Thinking

Researchers say the Sanskrit Effect is much more powerful than previously thought. It has now been confirmed that chanting has also a healing effect on the body and mind.

What Is The Sanskrit Effect?

The term ‘Sanskrit Effect’ was coined by neuroscientist James Hartzell, who discovered that memorizing and reciting the ancient words and phrases, known as mantras, enhances both memory and thinking.

Learning to chant mantras takes time and requires hard work, dedication, and effort. In India, Sanskrit scholars learn to ancient texts from a tender age. It can take six hours to chant an ancient Sanskrit text. Those who listen can benefit from receiving knowledge and those who chant these long texts discover it has an amazing effect on the brain.

Dr. Hartzell, who is very interested in Sanskrit and works as a postdoctoral researcher at Spain’sBasque Centre on Cognition, Brain, and Language used structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) at India’s National Brain Research Centre to scan the brains of Sanskrit scholars.

Secrets Of The Sanskrit Effect Revealed - Memorizing And Reciting Mantras Enhances Memory And Thinking

Those who chant have much larger brains. Credit: Public Domain

By examining numerous regions in the brains of the pandits, Hindu scholar learned in Sanskrit and Hindu philosophy and religion, who are often also priests, Dr. Hartzell discovered their brains were “ dramatically larger than those of controls, with over 10 percent more grey matter across both cerebral hemispheres, and substantial increases in cortical thickness.

Although the exact cellular underpinnings of grey matter and cortical thickness measures are still under investigation, increases in these metrics consistently correlate with enhanced cognitive function.”

All Types Of Chanting Are Good For Your Brain

It should be added that the benefits of chanting are not limited to Sanskrit. About 50 years ago, Alfred Tomatis, a French scientist discovered that Benedictine monks who chanted the Gregorian Chants had exceptional memories.

The Christian monks often chanted up to eight hours a day, and when a new Abbot changed the schedule and stopped the chanting, the monks were very tired even if they got more sleep. As soon as they were allowed to chant again, their energy was soon back. Observing this behavior, Tomatis concluded that chanting gives the body and brain energy.

Of course, no-one expects you to chant for hours just to give your memory a boost, but some chanting is never wrong.

Secrets Of The Sanskrit Effect Revealed - Memorizing And Reciting Mantras Enhances Memory And Thinking

A monk who chants has a very good memory. Credit: Public Domain

As we get older, our memory becomes more complex, tedious, and time-consuming than ever. Learning something quickly and remembering it for a long time is not the same thing. If you want to learn something on a deep level, you should try Richard Feynman’s simple technique that works well.

There are also many valuable simple tricks for students who must struggle to remember new dates, words, mathematical formulas, etc.

Another easy and effective way of improving memory is listening to music. Also, don’t underestimate the power of dark chocolate that improves memory!

Also, don’t forget there are many things you can do to keep your brain healthy in older age.

Historical records show ancient Greeks and later Romans were able to memorize and give speeches that could last for hours, but how did they do it?

Actually, they relied on the method of loci described in a unique ancient text known as Rhetorica ad Herennium. It is the first known book on the art of memorization.

Rhetorica ad Herennium was formerly attributed to, Cicero (Marcus Tullius, 106–43 BCE), Roman lawyer, orator, politician, and philosopher, but of unknown authorship, sometimes ascribed to an unnamed doctor the book was the most popular book on rhetoric during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

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More About The Mind And Brain

Scientists have confirmed that the method of loci is beneficial for the brain. Those who tested the method of loci say the book really does improve your memory. The best part is that anyone can test and find out if the method works. It’s really easy!

We can add by saying that if the benefits of chanting are as promising as Dr. Hartzell discovered, “this kind of memorization of ancient texts could be helpful in reducing the devastating illness of Alzheimer’s and other memory affecting diseases.”

Once future studies will be conducted, we can explore more how chanting can keep the brain at pristine, stimulated health.

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – Staff Writer

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