Unlocking The Mysterious, Powerful ‘Second Intelligence’ Hiding Behind Our Conscious Minds

Cynthia McKanzie – MessageToEagle.com – The unconscious mind is considered by many psychological scientists to be a shadow of the “real” conscious mind.

In order to find out more about the significance of our unconscious mind, a group of scientists has used some rather controversial methods to unlock the mysteries of the human mind.

One can say it the interest for the unconscious mind started with the help of Sigmund Freud, who became known as the founding father of psychoanalysis.

Freud did not invent the idea of the conscious versus unconscious mind, but he certainly was responsible for making it popular and this was one of his main contributions to psychology.

Unlock your unconscious mind

The unconscious mind contains our biologically based instincts. While we are fully aware of what is going on in the conscious mind, we have no idea of what information is stored in the unconscious mind.

So even if you think you are totally aware of what you are doing and what is happening around you, there are a number of daily activities your brain deals with without involving your awareness.

“Most people think they have complete control of their minds, but they are wrong,” says Ron Rensink, an associate professor of computer science and psychology The University of British Columbia (UBC).

“The truth is, we perform thousands of unconscious mental and physical tasks every day.”

As an example, Rensink mentions driving. “In many cases, we are navigating through dangerous situations, thinking only about what we want for dinner.

We get home and often remember very little about the trip,” he says.

Rensink and his colleagues are very interested in investigating our unconscious mind.

unconscious mind

“As a field of research, the unconscious is still very much ‘terra incognita’- the iceberg largely beneath the surface,” he says. “One of the big challenges, I think, is that we need to develop more techniques for investigating it.”

With that in mind, Rensink and postdoctoral researcher Hélène Gauchou recently completed a study using Ouija boards. Their research demonstrates the intellectual power lying beyond our consciousness, but also represents an important advance in identifying how to access and study people’s unconscious minds.

They found that, when asked to answer questions they think they don’t know, people give significantly better responses (65 percent accuracy) when answering “yes” or “no” with an Ouija board compared to answering verbally (50 percent accuracy). When participants believed they knew the answers, both types of responses scored almost identically.

See also:

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The study may have triggered “ideomotor actions”, an effect whereby small muscle movements are generated unconsciously, as happens during driving for instance. Study participants were paired with partners, blindfolded and instructed to simply follow the direction of the Ouija’s moving planchette. However, when questions were asked, their partners were instructed to remove their hands from the planchette, meaning that participants were playing alone.


“These surprising findings suggest we have a powerful ‘second intelligence’ resting beyond our conscious minds that can be accessed under the right conditions,” says Gauchou, a native of France whose only previous exposure to Ouija boards was through American movies.

“We may believe we don’t know an answer consciously, but actually have the answer right there in our subconscious. Maybe we heard it on the radio, but weren’t really paying attention.”

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – MessageToEagle.com Staff Writer

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