You Have 10,000 Species Of Alien Cells In Your Body

Cynthia McKanzie – – Did you know that you’ve more than 10,000 species of alien cells in your body? No, it doesn’t mean that you’re of extraterrestrial origin, but it certainly means there is a lot we still don’t know about the human body.

Scientists have discovered that you’re born 100 % human, but die, 50 % alien. How is it possible?

You Have 10,000 Species Of Alien Cells In Your Body

Credit: Public Domain

Scientists involved in the Human Microbiome Project (HMP) studied all the foreign microorganisms in the human body, and they confessed it the purpose of these alien bacteria is still a mystery.

The human skin is home to about 5 million bacteria and they are crawling all over us, mostly in our ears, the back of the neck, the sides of the nose and our belly button.

The realization that 50 percent of the cells in your body are not yours, around 38 million of them is a remarkable thing.

Marcus Chown explains in his book Infinity in the Palm of Your Hand that Nobody is born with a full complement of foreign microorganisms. Instead, they are acquired after birth from a mother’s milk and from the environment. All are pretty much in place by the time you are three years old.

This is why it is possible to say that you are born 100 percent human but die 50 percent alien.

Actually, it is worse than this. The HMP found that the microorganisms that inhabit your body have a total of 8 million genes, each of which codes for a protein with a specific purpose.

By contrast, the human genome contains a mere 24,000 genes. Consequently, there are about 400 times as many microbial genes exerting their effect on your body as human genes.

Or, to put it another way, 99.75 percent of the DNA in your body does not belong to you. In a sense, you are not even as much as 50 percent human – you are a mere 0.25 percent human.

Perhaps it is more truthful to say that you are born 100 percent human but die 99.75 percent alien!”

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Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and many will think these alien cells are evidence we are somehow related to extraterrestrial species. There is no confirmed scientific evidence supporting this theory though, but there are those who speculate, nevertheless.

For example, according to Dr. Ellis Silver, a leading environmentalist, and ecologist, there are a number of reasons why humans do not come from Earth.

In his book, Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence, Dr. Silver lists seventeen factors which suggest we are not from this planet. He also discusses the place of our origin and the timeline when humanity appeared on Earth.

Dr. Silver says our physiology suggests we evolved on a planet with lower gravity.

You Have 10,000 Species Of Alien Cells In Your Body

There is still much to learn about human cells. Credit: Public Domain

“Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more, “Dr. Silver said.

Dr. Silver’s theory is unusual, to say the least, but also interesting. Putting this aside we should also keep in mind that we do share a special connection with the cosmos.

Many years ago, the famous astronomer and cosmologist Carl Sagan (1934 – 1996) said we are made of starstuff. Today, we know it’s true. Astronomers have discovered that humans are made of particles that traveled from distant galaxies. This implies we are extragalactic visitors in what we think is our galaxy, the Milky Way.

Believe it or not but we are extragalactic visitors in the Milky Way because humans are made of particles from distant galaxies.

Written by Cynthia McKanzie – Staff Writer

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