Why Ancient Egyptians Used Pillows Made Of Stone

Question: Why did ancient Egyptians use pillows made of stone?

Answer: It might sound odd, but the ancient Egyptian did in fact use pillows made of stone. The first people to use pillows were those who lived in early civilizations of Mesopotamia around 7,000 BC. In those days, only rich people could afford to use pillows. The number of pillows symbolized status so the more pillows one owned the more affluence he or she held.

In ancient Egypt, pillows were associated with the mummies and tombs. Based on archaeological findings, it has been established that the ancient Egyptian pillows date back to 2055-1985 B.C.

Ancient Egyptian pillows were wooden or stone headrests. These pillows were mostly used by placing them under the heads of the deceased because the head of a human was considered to be the essence of life and sacred. Ancient Egyptians used these wooden or stone pillows in order to provide support to a corpse’s head, uphold body vigor, keep blood circulating, and keep demons away.

See also:
Did Ancient Egyptians Invent Toothpaste?



Journal of Archaeological Science

Science facts ancient Egyptians stone pillows