King Solomon Was Invented As Political Propaganda To Unite People Of Judah – Scholars Argue

Ellen Lloyd – – Renowned for his wisdom and riches, King Solomon is said to have ruled Israel after King David. Mentioned in the Bible on several occasions, King Solomon is famous for being the one who built the first Jewish Temple around 957 B.C.

Mystery still surrounds King Solomon’s temple because no one knows what it looked like, and its location remains an archaeological puzzle. According to Biblical accounts, King Solomon ruled during ‘The Golden Age” of Israel and he was the richest and wisest man who ever lived.

Whatever happened to his precious possessions is unknown because his temple has never been found. Some suggest Pharaoh Shishak plundered King Solomon’s temple, but there is no solid evidence to maintain this event ever took place.

King Solomon Was Invented As Political Propaganda To Unite People Of Judah – Scholars Argue

Left: King Solomon by Simeon Solomon (1840–1905). Credit: Public Domain – Right: Manasseh’s Sin and Repentance; as in 2 Chronicles 33:1-13; illustration from a Bible card published by the Providence Lithograph Company. Credit: Public Domain

Much has been written about the famous king of Israel, but are the tales about the legendary King Solomon completely made up?

Many scholars have questioned King Solomon’s existence on several occasions. A leading archaeologist in Israel maintains the written story about King Solomon was pure propaganda that served to unite people Judah.

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