Remarkable Neanderthal Flute Found In Divje Babe Cave Is The World’s Oldest Musical Instrument

Jan Bartek – – Our long-gone ancestors, the Neanderthals, did not differ that much from modern humans. Like us, the Neanderthals were curious about the world around them and explored new areas. They enjoyed and collected beautiful objects. They deliberately collected perforated shells to string them together like beads 120,000 years agoSometimes, they used shells as body ornaments, and there is evidence Neanderthals were the world’s first artists.

Remarkable Neanderthal Flute Found In Divje Babe Cave Is The World’s Oldest Musical Instrument

One cannot and should not undermine Neandethal’s intelligence and skills. They were by no means primitive. In fact, there is scientific evidence our ancestors appreciated beauty, and it seems clear they even enjoyed music.

The world’s oldest known musical instrument is said to be a bone flute created by Neanderthals 50,000 – 60,000 years ago.

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