Sha-Amun-en-su – Tragic Fate Of Ancient Egyptian Priestly Singer’s Unopened Sarcophagus

Ellen Lloyd – – A long time ago, a woman who lived in Thebes, Egypt, was mummified and placed inside a beautiful sarcophagus. The lady was an important member of Egyptian society.  Outstanding funerary objects were put inside the coffin to accompany her on the journey to the afterlife. For 2,7000 years, her mummified body rested peacefully inside the sarcophagus until the ancient Egyptian coffin was destroyed in Brazil.

Sha-Amun-en-su - Tragic Fate Of Ancient Egyptian Priestly Singer's Unopened Sarcophagus

Priestly singer Sha-Amun-en-su. Credit: Museu Nacional – Public Domain

The loss of Sha-Amun-en-su’s sarcophagus is unfortunate because the ancient coffin was rare.

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