Underwater Ruins Of Lost Civilization In The Persian Gulf Predate The Pharaohs And Sumer

Ellen Lloyd– AncientPages.com – It’s difficult to say where we can find traces of the world’s oldest civilization because many ancient underwater ruins still await our discovery. There are a great number of mysteries beneath the waters, and we have only unraveled a small percent of them.

In the Sumerian creation myth Enki and Ninhursag, God Enki made a promise saying he will create a marvelous land called Dilmun where life can thrive.

Underwater Ruins Of Lost Civilization In The Persian Gulf Predate The Pharaohs And Sumer

“For Dilmun, the land of my lady’s heart, I will create long waterways, rivers and canals, whereby water will flow to quench the thirst of all beings and bring abundance to all that lives.”

“Most scholars agree the ancient Sumerians were the earliest developed civilization in our recorded history. Mesopotamia is therefore often characterized as the cradle of civilization.” 1

This doesn’t necessarily mean that Sumerians were the oldest civilization. There is archaeological evidence that advanced ancient civilizations existed long before the Sumerians. The Indus Valley civilization also called the Harappan civilization was one of the world’s largest and oldest civilizations, and it’s very possible they predate the Pharaohs and Sumerians.

Scientist Jeffrey Rose from the Birmingham University has suggested that paleoenvironmental, archaeological, and genetic evidence from the Arabian Peninsula and southern Iran provide us with vital clues about some of the earliest civilizations that walked the Earth.

According to Rose, mysterious underwater ruins discovered at the bottom of the Persian Gulf could be traces of the world’s oldest civilization. Discoveries made in the Persian Gulf Oasis have the potential to re-write history.

Source: AncientPages.com – Read rest of the article here