Earthquakes In Central And Eastern United States Linked To Hydraulic Fracturing Wells

Eddie Gonzales Jr. – – Scientists have discovered that small earthquakes in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Oklahoma and Texas can be linked to hydraulic fracturing wells.

Researchers have identified more than 600 small earthquakes (between magnitude 2.0 and 3.8) in these states.

Hydraulic fracturing uses pressurized liquid to break apart or create cracks within a rock formation through which petroleum and natural gas can flow and be more easily extracted.

Earthquakes In Central and Eastern United States Linked To Hydraulic Fracturing Wells

Credit: YouTube

The research team are studying the trends related to the likelihood of induced seismicity from hydraulic fracturing or fracking, which could help industry and state regulators better manage drilling practices.

Unconventional U.S. oil production, which extracts oil from shales and tight rocks using a variety of drilling techniques, has been linked to an increase in human-induced earthquakes across the mid-continent of the United States for nearly a decade.

Researchers studying the increase in places such as Oklahoma think that the main driver of this increase in seismicity is the injection of wastewater produced by extraction back into rock layers, which increases pore pressure within rocks and can affect stress along faults in layers selected for disposal.

According to Michael Brudzinski of Miami University these earthquakes may be “underappreciated” compared to seismicity related to wastewater disposal since they appear to happen less frequently.

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The numerous fracking wells in eastern Ohio prompted Brudzinski and his colleagues to take a closer look at whether small earthquakes in the region could be connected to fracking operations.

“The wells are more widely spaced when they’re active, and there isn’t as much wastewater disposal going on,” Brudzinski said in a press statement.

“So you can see a bit more specifically and directly when wastewater disposal is generating seismicity and when hydraulic fracturing is generating seismicity in the Appalachian Basin.”

The scientists used a technique called multi-station template matching, which scans through hundreds of seismic signals to find those that match the “fingerprint” of known earthquakes. The technique allowed them to detect small earthquakes that might have otherwise been overlooked, and to compare the more complete earthquake catalog in a region to information on the timing and location of regional fracking well operations.

Seismologists identify earthquakes as being caused by hydraulic fracture wells when they are tightly linked in time and space to fracking operations. Fracking-related seismicity also tends to look different from seismicity caused by wastewater disposal, Brudzinski said.

“The [fracking] seismic signature when you look at it in a sort of timeline shows these bursts of seismicity, hundreds or sometimes thousands of events over a couple of days or weeks, and then it’s quiet again. You don’t tend to see that pattern with wastewater disposal,” he explained.

Earthquakes In Central and Eastern United States Linked To Hydraulic Fracturing Wells

Credit: LAO

Brudzinski and his colleagues are now using their dataset from Oklahoma to look at how a variety of variables might affect the likelihood of fracking-induced earthquakes, from the volume and viscosity of the injected liquid to the depth of the rock layers targeted by fracking.

“The one that has stuck out to us the most is that the depth of the well is more tied to likelihood of seismicity than we expected,” Brudzinski said.

It isn’t just the deeper the well, the more likely it is to be closer to basement rock and mature faults that are likely to slip, he said, although that might still play a role in these earthquakes. Instead, overpressuring appears to have a stronger correlation with fracking-induced seismicity. Overpressuring occurs when there is high fluid pressure within rocks buried deep in a basin by many overlying rock layers. “It’s one of the strongest trends we saw,” said Brudzinski.

Written by Eddie Gonzales Jr. – Staff Writer