Is The Tomb Of Genghis Khan Hidden And Protected In The Khentii Mountains Because Some Fear It’s Cursed?

Ellen Lloyd – – What ancient secrets are hidden in the Khentii Mountains? Is the tomb of the great warrior Genghis Khan hidden deep inside the mountains? Is this the reason why this region is a protected zone that we are not allowed to enter?

Is The Tomb Of Genghis Khan Hidden And Protected In The Khentii Mountains Because Some Fear It’s Cursed?

Credit: Adobe Stock – Andrey Burmakin

The location of the tomb of Genghis Khan remains an unsolved ancient mystery. Finding the burial place of the 13th-century warrior, conqueror, and imperial ruler would be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time. Still, all attempts to locate the ancient tomb have failed so far. Is it because the tomb of Genghis Khan is deliberately hidden and protected from the outside world because some fear it’s cursed?

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