Magnificent Solar Alignment Phenomenon In Abu Simbel – The Sun Illuminates The Face Of Pharaoh Ramses II

Ellen Lloyd – –  If Ramses the Great, the third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt was alive today he would be proud to see how many people come to admire the magnificent solar alignment in Abu Simbel causing the Sun to illuminate the face of his giant statue.

This amazing solar alignment occurs twice a year for 20-25 minutes at dawn on October 22, and February 22.

Magnificent Solar Alignment Phenomenon In Abu Simbel - The Sun Illuminates The Face Of Pharaoh Ramses II

The solar alignment occurs twice a year in Abu Simbel. Credit: Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities

It’s no coincidence the Sun shines on the face of the greatest king of ancient Egypt on these particular dates because they were of special importance to Pharaoh Ramesses II (1303 B.C. – 1213 B.C.).

Ancient Egyptians who were familiar with astronomy built many temples, pyramids and other sacred monuments aligned with the direction of the rising or setting sun, moon, a star or a planet marking an important day of the year.

This ancient Egyptian tradition started a very long time ago, perhaps even earlier than we previously thought. Egyptian myths tell Lady of the Stars, goddess Seshat played a very important role in the construction of sacred Egyptian buildings. She assisted the pharaoh in the Stretching of the Cord ritual in order to align the sacred monuments to the stars.

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