Advanced Heating System Discovered In Ruins Of Metropolis ‘City Of Mother Goddess’

Conny Waters – – Excavations in the ancient city of Metropolis, located within the borders of the Torbalı district of the Aegean province of İzmir, Turkey continue to shed light on the secrets of history.

Advanced Heating System Discovered In Ruins Of Metropolis 'City Of Mother Goddess'

Ancient ruins of the city of Metropolis, Turkey. Credit AA

Excavations at the site have been conducted since 1990, and are focused on the history of Metropolis that goes back to the Classical Age and has continued with the Hellenistic Age, the Roman and Byzantine eras, the Beylics era and the Ottoman era.

In 2015, a cult area built for the god Zeus is considered the most important discovery during this year’s excavations in the ancient city of Metropolis.

Other discoveries in this very rich excavation area include a Hellenistic-era ancient theater, assembly building (the so-called bouleuterion) , stoa (colonnaded gallery), a Roman bath and a palaestra complex, as well as two small baths.

In 2018, apart from the important buildings that formed the urban fabric of the ancient city life, archaeologists working at the site of ruined Metropolis, contributed with 11,000 important findings, including ceramics, coins, glass, architectural pieces, figures, sculptures, artifacts made from bone and ivory, pithos and Hellenistic era artifacts made from metal and ceramics.

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