Pristimantis Mutabilis: Shape-Shifting Frog In The Ecuadorian Cloud Forest – Pristimantis mutabilis is the name of a discovered marble-sized shape-shifting frog living in the Ecuadorian cloud forest.

Originally discovered by a Case Western Reserve University PhD student and her husband, a projects manager at Cleveland Metroparks’ Natural Resources Division, the amphibian is believed to be the first known to have this shape-shifting capability.

Pristimantis mutabilis shape-shifitng frog
The mutable rainfrog can change its skin from rough (top) to smooth. Image credit: Tim Krynak

However, the new species, Pristimantis mutabilis, or mutable rainfrog, has company. Colleagues working with the couple found that a known relative of the frog shares the same texture-changing quality—but it was never reported before.

The transition by the frog can take as little as three minutes!

Pristimantis mutabilis shape-shifting frog



Scientist believe the ability to change skin texture to reflect its surroundings may enable P. mutabilis to help camouflage itself from birds and other predators. The discovered frog has been nicknamed “punk rocker” because of the thorn-like spines covering its body.

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Scientists put the frog on a sheet of paper and were amazed to see how its skin morphed to become as smooth as the page on which it sat.

“We couldn’t believe our eyes: The frog’s skin changed shape to blend with its surroundings,” said Katherine Krynak, PhD. “This was totally new to the frog community.”

It still remains unknown how the frogs accomplish this feat, but their skin structures may allow water movement to change their texture.


Case Western Reserve University